Saturday, March 1, 2008

What is a devotion? (originally posted Jan 28)

Seven years as an educator have taught me a few things. The first, and quite possibly the most important, is to never begin in the middle. While many of you are already well-versed in what it means to have a devotional time, others may be unfamiliar with the term.

The way a person uses this time to focus on God varies. It could include reading from scripture by one's self, with family or friends. It could be a time of prayer or a time giving God praise or singing songs of praise. There is no right or wrong way to format your devotional time as long as you keep one very important detail in mind: This is God's time.

During God's time, challenge yourself to be open to the Holy Spirit. Let Him flow through your thoughts and through your songs. If you feel the Holy Spirit guiding you to call a friend, then do it! If you turn to a page in scripture that you hadn't meant to study, be open to change your plans. Who knows? The spirit may even lead you to turn on your computer and create your own blog or website! There is no single way the Creator speaks to us or inspires us to feed on his words.

I invite you to spend a portion of your devotional time here daily. With this website, I plan to explore ideas and topics from the bible and how they apply to our everyday lives. I hope we can have a dialogue as a community of believers where we can share ideas, our insights, and challenge our interpretations in order to help each other to grow in our faith and our relationship with God.

If you are inspired to submit a devotional entry, please leave a comment with your contact information and I will do my best to incorporate your submissions. Welcome and may God be praised in all we do.

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