Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lead us not into temptation

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Matthew 6:13
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Temptation, wouldn't living the Christian life be so much easier without it. How often I find myself going down the right road, really trying to do what is right and then something I see grabs my attention and I am off down the wrong road again. Temptation, the devils advertising agency. It entices it says just try a little, a little won't hurt, you can always walk away from it if you don't like it.

That is The Lie! This is how the devil gets more people than any other way. Humans love to believe they are in control, we love to say that we can walk away from it if it becomes too all consuming, if it proves to be detrimental, if we don't like it we'll just walk away. How many of us have ended up in addiction thinking those very things?

For me it was cigarettes. I had seen my father, and for a time my mother, smoke all my life. So in High School when my biddy leaned against his mustang and asked if I wanted one the the thought was why not, if I don't like it I just won't smoke another. So I choked that cancer stick down, then the next time we were together he didn't ask he just gave me one. Before long I was buying my own packs and then, well then 10 years had passed.

I would lay them down for a day or even a few weeks, when I felt strong a few months, but I kept coming back to them. See I had planted a seed in my life. I had given cigarettes a foot hold and now even though I wanted to walk away it was hard. Thank God I was able over three years ago to lay down my last smoke. Still isn't always easy though, some times the wind shifts or Dad lights up and I can feel that urge rise again. When life's stress level goes up and I feel my back against the wall, sometimes I still crave one. So what is this about, is this a hidden Truth add for anti-smoking? No, although I do recommend stopping if you happen to be a smoker. :)

1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

The point of this is that sometimes when we give into temptation we plant a seed in our hearts. Sometimes it is tangible like taking a drink, lighting up a smoke, or even trying some kind of drug. Sometimes the temptation we give into is allowing ourselves to take a long glance, not changing a movie right away when something that we don't need to see is coming on, or even allowing yourself to simmer in anger instead of focusing on resolution or moving on. All of these things plant seeds in our hearts.

Jesus talked about seeds himself in the parable of the sower. In Jesus' story his seeds represent the word of God. Some seeds fall on rock where they cannot spring forth because when they grow their roots can't take hold and the plant whithers. Some seeds fell on the hard packed soil near the path and were eaten up before they had a chance to grow. Yet other seeds fell among the weeds and were choked out by the other plants. Finally some seeds found the good soil and multiplied 30, 60 and 100 times over.

What we must ask ourselves is what seeds are we sowing in with the Word of God. See, if you are reading this then you are likely trying to feed your soul with God's Word. However, if you are sowing weeds along side of the Word then you are setting your crop up to have problems. If you listen to foul language, offensive or ungodly jokes, if you allow yourself to hold company with those that are openly racists and bigots, if you listen to music that sings the virtues of sins and you spend your time in pornography and sexually explicit conversations and programs then you are sowing seeds that will later bare fruit.

When you sow the Word of God, you grow godly fruit. When you sow sinful thoughts and things of the world, you grow ungodly fruit. As Christians we are called to be like Jesus, he is the vine we are the branches. The branches that bare fruit, godly fruit, will be well tended and cared for. The branches that do not bare fruit, again godly, will be pruned away and tossed into the fire.

So as I prepare to leave you this evening let me leave you with a few thoughts about temptation:

1) We live in a sinful world, none of us can completely avoid temptation.

2) Just because we are tempted does not mean we have to give in, when confronted with an
area in which you are weak remember to talk to God and to other believers.

3) Try not to be a stumbling block for other believers. Just as you do not want to be tempted
do not tempt your brothers and sisters in Christ. Be conscious of what you say, wear, how you
act and what you do. In all of these areas ask if your actions bring glory to God, if the answer
is no you may be guilty of tempting others.

4) Use the power of prayer! Jesus set the precedent of asking God to, "lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil." If you are feeling weak, especially, this is a great time
to ask God to be with you and not only to keep you from temptation but to make you strong
in the face of it.

5) Avoid areas that you know consistently pose a problem. If you have a problem with over
eating then the Buffet may not be the best choice for lunch.

6) Finally, don't feel alone. Often times we are so ashamed of our feelings when we find
ourselves tempted by Satan that we refuse to talk through our situation with anyone
else. ALL OF US ARE TEMPTED IN SOME WAY OR FORM. If someone tells you they are
not, then they are lying. Even Jesus was tempted for 40 days and nights in the desert, the
trick is not giving in.

Matthew 26:41
"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."

Until next time, may God keep you well and protect you, may your days be blessed that you might pass that blessing on to others in the name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

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