Saturday, March 1, 2008

What Does It Take To Get Your Attention, A Billboard? (originally posted 2/11/08)

Mark 16: 15-16 (NIV)

15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned."

Several years back there sprang up some interesting billboards along the sides of America's roads. While there seems to be some dispute over where the signs originated from, my research has shown South Florida as the most likely candidate. These signs had humorous, yet biblically grounded statements that were signed by "God."

You may have remembered running by a few of these (I'll include a few links at the bottom that have complete lists of the signs): "Meet you at my house Sunday before the big game"- God, "Don't make me come down there"-God, and my personal favorite "What Part of "Thou Shalt Not..." Didn't You Understand?" - God.

Supposedly, these signs got there start with a donation by an annonymous donor and were then picked up by several non-denominational organizations across the country. I can remember driving down the road the first time I saw one of these signs and getting a big goofy grin across my face, even letting out a chuckle. It was the kind of thing that made people talk and laugh together.

Can you imagine how many people were led to Christ through a conversation that started by one of these humorous billboards? It is amazing the way God works in the lives of those that believe in him. He tells us to go out into the world and share his good news, to evangalize, to be unafraid. Then he provides us with opportunities.

Have you ever felt like talking to someone about Jesus Christ and in the back of your head heard that voice, "They're going to think you're one of those nutty fanaticals." We worry that people are going to reject us, that they are going to judge and rebuke us if they don't believe. This is an understandable fear, but not an excuse for holding back the gospel.

In my research to find the origin of the billboards, I ran across several sites that had negative responses to the "God billboards." People said that the, "Don't make me come down there" board was threatening. Others said they shouldn't be forced to see, "dry religous humor" when they are driving down the road. Should this deter me? No, it should strenthen my resolve.

We live in a world today where it is okay for men and women to be plastered on billboards in their underwear or lingerie. If you say that it is offensive, then you're a prude. If someone takes God's words and tries to convey his message of love, then you're a religous fruit-basket. This is the type of world God sent Jonah to, this is the type of world Jesus saw when he came down from heaven, and this is the kind of world God knew would be in place when he issued the Great Commision to us.

Matthew 9:12 tells us, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." Let us be found obedient as the hands and feet of Christ. Let us go into this sick world and be God's physicians, his disciples, his fishers of men.

Prayer: Father God, you are the potter I am the clay. I ask, Lord, that you would mold me into a tool that you might use to further your kingdom. I love you and long to serve you. Guide my feet and bend my soul to your will. Praise and glory be to your name forever and ever, Amen.

Some sites with lists of the God Billboard Messages:

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