Saturday, March 1, 2008

By Slowing Down, You Get There Faster (1/31/08)

Psalm 46:10 (NIV)
Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.

Alright gentleman, let me talk directly to you for a minute. What is it with us and the whole not stopping for directions thing? Did I miss this chapter in the Complete Guide to Masculinity? I'm a guy, I do this, and for the life of me I don't know why! I have this eerie feeling that it is somehow linked to the got to get there in record time or I feel like a failure thing, but that is an entirely different devotional.

As Christians I think we, women you're back in this thing now too, have a tendency to do the same thing. We get into our spiritual cars and drive to the pumps on Sunday. We go into church, sit in the pew, listen to the preacher, we might even get some meaningful insight out of the sermon, but then we park the car for the rest of the week. Worst yet, we try to drive all week on that one tank of gas and can't figure out why were sitting dead in the middle of I-40.

God does tell us that it is important for us to gather in fellowship with other believers, but where we often times get it wrong is we think that one time a week is enough. Now those of you that go to Wednesday night service, don't go getting pius on me either. He didn't say two times was enough either. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NIV) we are told to pray continually, or as the King James puts it, to pray without ceasing.

How can we go about this task of never ending prayer? Here's a hint, prayer does not have to be on your knees or with your eyes closed. God, the one who made the stars, the sun, the moon and even you knows your every thought. That in itself can be a fairly scary revolation. It can also be a freeing epiphany, that anytime you want to talk to God all you have to do is realize that he knows what you are going through, what you are feeling, the choices that stand in front of you. Your prayer can be as simple as help, or as complex as reciting the Lord's prayer silently in your mind. Thats why we still call him Emmanuel which means God with us.

So what about this whole idea of slowing down? While it is important to take God with us on the 100 mph highway that is modern life, it is equally important to realize that sometimes we need to make a pitstop and recharge and refuel. Many of us have the idea that meditation is only done by people with long yellow robes and with crossed legs while humming ohmmmm. Christian meditation is very different from this. It can be an important addition to your devotional life.

Sometimes the most important thing we can do is to find a quiet spot, away from phones, television and even the computer(finsih the devotional first if you don't mind)where we can focus on being still and focusing on God. Clear your mind of your schedule, and open yourself up to God. "Here I am Father....." As you meditate you may think of things you want to tell him or you may feel as though he is directing you in some way.

Christians should always seek God's will. When you seek your earthly father's will you spend time with him, you try to find out what he wants. Why is it that we think seeking our heavenly father's will would be any different.

If your goal is to be closer to God, if your desire is to be in His will, if servitude is your destination, God has provided a map. Slow down, you'll get there faster when you are still and you know he is God.

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