Ephesians 6:16
16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
The Roman Shield was called a "scutum". It was made from stips of bent wood. Often times the shield would be covered with a layer of leather. If Romans were attacked by an enemy that used flaming arrows they would soak the leather covered shield with water to extinguish the flames.The shields measured around 2.5 ft x 4.5 ft in size. This gave ample room for a soldier to squat and completely hide behind the shield if need be. The curvature of the sheild allowed it to accept and deliver large blows without transferring the full force to the legionaire.
Paul writes that we are to take up the shield of faith. I like the definition of faith that I was told as a younger child. Faith is the ability to believe in the things that you cannot see and cannot touch. The shield of faith is symbolic of that belief.
Paul knows that in the Christian walk we are going to face uncertainties and tests. Through it all we are called to stand firm in our faith. Satan's most powerful tool to use against us is doubt. He would like nothing better than for you to conclude that he does not exisist. A person that doesn't believe in God or Satan is the easiest to manipulate because they are not looking for their lives to be manipulted.
However, those that stay strong and keep the faith in the face of adversity are protected from Satan's most powerful weapon. Like the Roman soldiers who could bend down and hide behind their sheilds we can bend down and hide behind God's promise that everything happens for a reason and that he is in control.
I appologize to the early readers of this devotion. I must admit that I wrote it very late and with a great need for sleep. I have tried to go back and fix the numerous Type-o's. Thank you and God Bless!
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