2 Timothy 4:18
The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
If you logged into CSZ between late yesterday evening and this afternoon you may have noticed that we apparently underwent a bit of a cyber attack. Somehow a group apparantly hacked into Godtube and caused all of the feeds we have to show a commercial. After contacting Godtube, the situation was promptly resolved and CSZ was back up and running like nothing had ever happened, A Big Thanks to Godtube.
Having my site attacked got me thinking. Although this little site is simple and doesn't reach a huge number of people, it is important to me and I hope that it is becoming important to you as well. When you have poured yourself into something the way I have into CSZ there is just a terrible sinking feeling when you see that someone else has messed with your creation.
Imagine how God feels. I was upset because it was going to take me hours to go back and fix code, but my problem could have been reworked and fixed. God's creation is you, me and the billions of other souls that walk and have walked this earth. Can you imagine how it must feel to him when he sees one of us under attack? "I made them, they belong to me, leave them alone!"
As we have talked about before, sometimes God allows us to go through trials in order to strengthen us, to make us more useful to his needs. But, I hope you never think that God is toying with you or that he is sitting back in delight as he watches us struggle. I know that there are people who think of God as just that type of entity, but nothing could be farther from the truth.
Our God created everything that we see and then said to Adam, here you go take care of and enjoy this. That is mind blowing, this world wasn't floating around in space at random, it was made and formed perfect so that you and I could not only exsist but thrive.
I am amazed at how often I overlook little miracles of the world that God made especially to sustain you and me. Take for example water. The only planet in the solar syatem that has liquid water on the surface (including moons) is earth. So what right? How about a quick Science lesson. All substances on earth exsist in one of three states: solid, liquid or gas. As a rule the least dense form of any substance is vapor or gas, thats why it floats around in the atmosphere. Liquid is the second most dense form of a substance, the molecules and particles that make a substance are more tightly packed together in liquid form than in gas form. Solid is the densest of the 3 forms of a substance, the particles are tightly packed together thus making the solid "heavier."
Again you say, "so what Mr. Wizard?" Water is the exception to this rule and 70 % of the Earth's surface is covered by oceans. With water, gas is still the least dense, but liquid and solid flip flop. Liquid water is more dense than ice. This is why ice floats in water. Imagine what the Earth's surface would be like if ice didn't float. If ice was more dense than liquid water and sank it would raise the water levels of the oceans significantly. The result would be either a greatly reduced or totally depleted living space.
Class dismissed. I know that sounds like a bunch of scientific explanation, but to me that is the fingerprints of God. For all other materials to follow one rule, but the critical one that allows you and I to live on this spinning sphere to be different, that is God!
A God that cares for us enough to go through the trouble of making such minute details a reality is not a God who is going to sit back and laugh. God cares deeply about everyone of us, if he didn't he wouldn't have sent his son, he wouldn't have stood by and watched the world spit and beat and kill him. No, God loves us all very much and he never lets us face more than we can handle. He never lets us face the opposition alone either, if we have accepted him into our hearts he is always there.
If you are walking through that dark valley, eyes peering from the shadows, doom gathered so thick you could stir it with a stick, I encourage you to call on your Father. He wants to encourage you, to help you, to hold you and whisper it's okay Daddy's here. No matter how dark a path I have been down, he has never left me alone when I was willing to call on his name. He is the loving, protecting Father!
Matthew 7:7
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
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