Sometimes in life we are called by God to do things that we can't see the reason behind. It isn't easy to keep doing what you feel God wants you to do when you are not seeing results. I love writing this page and hope that for someone out there God might use this page as a way of speaking to your heart. I must admit that some nights the message comes to me much easier than on other nights, but I feel that this is something I have been called to do.
Not long ago I placed a counter on the page just so I could see what kind of daily attendance the page was receiving. For a a few weeks I was greatly encouraged, although the numbers were far from astronomical, there was a steady stream of people reading and visiting. I was so excited when I saw that I had my first European visitor, and they came back. In the last few weeks though, the daily attendance and visits have slowly leaked down, until now the biggest visiting group is made of one, me.
Yes, it's easy to get down about things like this. It is easy to say to yourself that the outcome is not worth the input. However, God still hasn't taken away my desire to write, my feeling that this could be useful, or my sense that in writing I am being obedient, so I write. You see, God never called for us to be successful. He never said that you have to lead millions, thousands, hundreds, tens or even one person to Christ. Jesus decreed that we go out into the world and tell about his life, about the good news of his willingness to forgive our sins and save us. In the end no man ever "leads' anyone to Christ, we simply tell the story that our Saviour lived and wait for God to do the work on the interior.
So don't lose heart when your efforts feel unsuccessful. By being obedient to the call of Christ you are being as successful as any man can ever be, whether you are a Billy Graham and see a multitude of conversions or if your like me and you see very few. Work diligently and the call when you enter heaven will be the same, "Well done, thy good and faithful servant."
Posted by My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter at 6:01 PM
Kristi Steadman said...
Don't lose heart...I think you are doing a fantastic job with this blog. I have been reading since about the beginning of Feb. and have enjoyed them very much. I have miss some days, but I always go back and read the ones I missed. I admire your obedience and willingness to touch other's lives. Please keep doing what you are doing, it is really a blessing! Can you imagine what this world could be like if everyone listened to God's call?
March 12, 2008 8:53 AM
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