Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Over the last few days we have taken a closer look at prayer and how we should pray. Tonight I would like to ask you to join me in prayer. I know that it may seem weird to pray a prayer while reading a computer screen, however, I believe that if you speak to God from the heart and believe what you are saying then prayer can be done in many forms. When we sing songs of praise and glory to God, we are praying, communicating with God. When interpretive dance teams sign out their messages, I believe that God hears their cry as well. Tonight, let us join together as a body of believers, seeking that God would see us as a faithful, and yet while we are far away from one another we are connected through our love for Him.
Abba, Our Father, we thank you for being so merciful and loving. We come before you as a people who are unworthy of all you bestow upon us, but as a people who are so thankful to be called by your name. Lord, we cannot fathom your might, we cannot measure your power, your Glory shines before us brighter than the sun itself, you truly are the Alpha and the Omega, you are our everything.
Father, we come before you tonight as a people who live in an uncertain and lost world. We know that in these times there are many who struggle with depression, illness, heart ache, financial burdens, and all sorts of afflictions and vices. Lord, we ask that you would be with those who are hurting, those who are doubting, those who are stumbling around lost in the dark. Father, we humbly ask that you would use each one of us to be light bearers, caring forth your love into the world. Help us Father to live a life that is pleasing in your sight and beneficial to your kingdom. For the hurts in our own lives we ask that if it is in your will that you would bring us comfort and healing. As always though Lord, we submit to your good and perfect will knowing that our desires are short sighted and your view is eternal and perfect. Above all things, may your will be done.
Lord, we pause now to humble ourselves before you. Each one of us Lord has failed to live a perfect life and each day we trip and stumble. Thank you God for not being a deity who stands over us and looks for a reason to condemn us. Instead you are a loving and forgiving Lord who welcomes us back into the fold. Hear our confessions now Lord as we each look to you with an open and honest heart declaring our short-comings and seeking your forgiveness.
(Pause here and talk with God, confess your sins, call upon the sacrificial blood of Christ and Thank God for his forgiving nature)
Father, we pause now to listen to your voice. We recognize our need to be still and know you are God. Open our hearts and make us receptive vessels that we might hear your voice and feel your presence in this time of quiet meditation.
(Pause as you feel led, no noise or talking, clear your mind of the days strife and duty. Focus on being a good listener for God)
As we end this time of prayer Lord, we ask that it would not truly be a stopping point, but a starting point that we might stay in communication with you always. Help us Father to listen for your guidance and to remain obedient to your calling on our lives. We love you Lord with all our hearts, all our minds, all our of our souls, and all of our strength. Glory be to you, in Jesus Name we pray, Amen.
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